Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Frightening Reality of Obsessions Part I

People will tell you that stalking is for the rich and famous. What they fail to tell you is that - this year alone, amongst us ordinary people, an excess of one million women and three hundred and seventy thousand men will fall victim to this crime of violation.

I have somehow managed on youtube to attract the unwanted and totally uncontrolled idolization of a person from the United States (their identity still unknown). Firstly, I will point out that people who are prone to developing delusional fixations with people they do not know, or in some cases 'hardly' know, do indeed need medical treatment and as my communication of this topic may seem mean spirited or abrupt in its delivery, this is not my intention.

I only have to name notable public/media figures such as Rebecca Schaeffer, John Lennon or any one of the presidents and you will well indeed know the very real danger that can evolve as a result of a personal misguided obsession.

As my house, mail, email, and other personal items are intercepted carefully by law agencies I have this to say to anyone who has a similar idea of approaching me or my personal life in any form -

I have never in my entire existence on the Internet given anyone my expressed permission to send me any item, or personally meet with me at my residence. Regardless of what relationship I have shared with anyone on the Internet, regardless of its intensity, duration or significance, I have never and will continue to never allow someone to do any of these things.

Do not allow yourself to be misguided by the idea that you are somehow exempt from this. Even under extreme circumstances, if you do in fact know my address or a previous address I can undeniably advise you that I have never given expressed permission for you to come even close to my home or to contact me in any way.

Finally, Under Queensland Law, which you will be tried under, should you choose to stalk me you will be charged under the Queensland Criminal Code act 1889 ~ Unlawful Stalking section 359B subsection C. For those of you who are unaware of what constitutes a criminal act of stalking I have included it below.

Unlawful Stalking is conduct that is intentionally directed at a person that consists of one or more acts of the following or SIMILAR type:

(i) following loitering near, watching or approaching a person
(ii) Contacting a person in any way including for example, by telephone, mail, fax, email or through the use of any technology
(iii) Loitering near, watching, approaching or entering a place where a person lives works or visits and more under the section.

In a final note. I am in a very happy and loving relationship with my partner -should you choose not to recognize this and continue to pursue a fantasy relationship with me, where the law ends to protect me - I will begin. Perceive that in any way you like.

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