Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Corrosive Personalities

Since venturing online, I have become involved with many sub-cultures and varying groups amongst the virtual community, many of which have proven to be an enjoyable experience for me. Somewhere along the line however, my personality online was met with violent opposition.

My relationship which has been the pivotal target of attacks, has seen many of my friends disown me, my online character interrogated, as well as several individual conspiracies all formed under the scrutiny of the union between myself and my partner. I sometimes question what horrible injustice I have caused to these select individuals that somehow justifies these sorts of social abandonment.

My relationship is an area of my life that is totally off the menu for disrespect. If people are not accepting, if people find my relationship hard to adjust to, if people continue to accept me into a social circle and not my partner, then I have no energy or capacity to accommodate these types of corrosive personalities.

There are few people in this world that genuinely have the ability to cause distress in my life. I generally give people a few chances in the hopes that their underlying good intentions will surface. Having said this, there are those select few who, exit my life as quickly as they entered and this will only occur when something regarding my relationship, which has brought immense happiness to my life, is attacked.